Mohammad Ali
Doctoral student
Electrical & Computer Engineering
Anticipated Graduation: Summer 2028
[email protected]
Research Area: Optics and Photonics
Advisor: Prof. Jay Guo & Prof. Di Liang
Research Project: My current research involves designing and fabricating optical resonators for photoacoustic applications. I am also working on designing grating couplers and other photonic integrated circuit components. Previously, I worked on structural colors based on cuprous oxide nanoparticles. You can find out more about me at my website.
B.Sc., Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET)
- Traveling
- Sports
- Video Gaming
- Photography
Mohammad Says
“The University of Michigan ECE offers unparalleled opportunities, with exceptional faculty and supportive peers, providing a wholesome environment to help you advance your career.”