Brian Raeker
Doctoral student
Electrical Engineering
Anticipated Graduation: May 2021
[email protected]
Research Area: Applied Electromagnetics & RF Circuits
Advisor: Prof. Anthony Grbic
- BSE Electrical Engineering, University of Michigan
- MSE Electrical Engineering, University of Michigan
Research Project: Brian’s research focuses on developing methods which use electromagnetic metasurfaces (flat surfaces designed at the sub-wavelength scale, similar in function to lenses) to increase the ability to manipulate electromagnetic waves. In particular, these methods determine the properties necessary for a sequence of metasurfaces to reshape a propagating wave without reflections or losses, allowing very high overall efficiencies. His goal is to demonstrate this improved control at microwave frequencies by forming highly customized antenna radiation patterns from common sources and at optical wavelengths by producing high-quality three-dimensional holograms.
- Biking
- Gardening
- Camping
- Hiking
Brian Says
“It was at the University of Michigan where I realized how electrical engineering could be applied to solve an extremely broad set of problems spanning power generation, computer design, lasers, robotics, remote sensing, and wireless communications. Electrical engineering is becoming ever more important to technological innovation, so becoming an electrical engineer gives an outsized opportunity to influence the world. The ECE program at UM has provided me with a broad range of opportunities due to of the quality of the academic program and the relationships I have developed as a student here. “